Student Training Lab
About the Author
I am
Kashif Mirza, the founder of
Student Training Lab (STL). I am working on projects since 2005 before that I just search things and now I am sharing my knowledge through this plateform.
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Respected Readers:
As a 21 year old student, the only income I rely on is my pocket money. Bearing the running costs of HWS Blog has become really difficult. We educate thousands of bloggers a week with our tutorials. To help us go forward with the same spirit, a small contribution from your side will highly be appreciated.
am i the only one who is fed up with the fact that when you try to hire a hacker,
you usually end up getting burned? I was scammed and i hated that feeling of being vulnerable.
i took it personal to find a real hacker and i came across wwwdothackterrificdotcom,
i guess i was searching for the right person in the wrong place, hiring a hacker
via email is a whole lot of bull, visit hackterrific and see how are true hacker functions in secrecy.
believe me it is your one stop for everything.
have been swindled more than 6 times on here,am not proud of it,but i was desperate to have a fix down by an hacker,i kept paying Kenyans and Indians who were basically taking my money without any proof forthcoming,till i was frustrated to tell a friend at work who directed me to a group of elite who provided 60% proof before payment and also guarantee 100% money back if you choose top about, i contacted eliterealhack(((at)))tutanota(((com))) and got my problem fixed,be smart!
Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.
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Kashif Mirza