After successful implementation of various stages we reached the last and final stage it is//
hardware implementation. It is further divided in two categories.
1. Mechanical work
2. Electronic work
hardware implementation. It is further divided in two categories.
1. Mechanical work
2. Electronic work
Mechanical work OF QUADCOPTER
After the airframe was designed and the components were purchased, we needed to place
the components appropriately on the airframe. First of all, the circuit board, which
consists of the microcontroller and other circuit elements, was placed on top at the center
of the circular cage like structure. The battery pack was placed underneath the circuit
board inside the circular cage like structure. Each of the 4 Electronic Speed Controllers
(ESCs) were placed on each of the arms of the airframe, with their inputs commonly
connected to the battery pack, and their 3 outputs are connected to the 3 input poles of the
motor. Each of the four motors are placed at the ends of each of the arms, with their shaft
directly inline with the center of the circular space designed for the circular motor mount.
As for the propellers, the tractor propellers were placed on the shafts of the motors that
operated in the clockwise direction. Similarly, the pusher propellers were placed on the
shafts of the motors that operated in the counterclockwise direction. Attention should be
given to assembling of parts; there should be no loose components as they will produce
vibrations making quadrotor unstable. Some important points are given below in detail as
they need special attention. After assembling of parts the figure of our quadrotor is shown
Motor Alignment OF QUUADCOPTER
The act of assembling the motor to the frame is extremely difficult due to the fact that the
holes needed to be drilled to within +/- .1o
of each other. Any successful flying device
must be perfectly balanced, and this is very prevalent when dealing with a quad rotor. In
order to achieve a balanced vertical flight, the group needed to be certain that the motors
were perfectly straight. If the motors were not perfectly aligned, achieving a balanced,
smooth flight would be nearly impossible. With this in mind, we devised a way to be sure
that all the motor were aligned correctly. By setting the frame of the quad rotor on a flat
surface, we used a T-square held against the motor. If the motors were directly against the
edge of the square, then the motor would be aligned in a 90 degree angle.
Propeller Balancing
Due to the fact that the propellers are operating at such a high RPM, it is crucial to the
quad rotors performance that the propellers are balanced. Although theoretically the
propellers are designed to have symmetric blades, in reality there are slight imperfections.
These imperfections cause the propellers to vibrate uncontrollably, making smooth flight
almost impossible. By balancing the propellers, vibrations can be significantly reduced.
The group balanced the propellers by examining the relative weight distribution of each
propeller. There are several types of commercially available propeller balancing devices,
but a similarly effective device was made. The method used consisted of attaching the
propeller to a spindle held up between two blocks, allowing the propellers to rotate freely.
If one of the blades is heavier than the other, then the propeller will rotate towards the
heavier blade. In such a case, the blades trailing edge was sanded down to compensate for
the mass difference. Once the blades weights were evenly distributed, the propeller
balanced horizontally.
Quad Rotor Balancing
The quad rotor, which includes air frame, dc motor, electronic speed controller,
propellers, batteries and electronic circuits, was carefully designed and assembled with
the idea of having a helicopter which is as close to perfect in terms of its weight
distribution throughout the entire aircraft. Achieving a steady and controllable flight is
almost impossible to achieve unless the aircraft is as close to perfect balance. The
addition of the electronic components and battery onto the frame of the quad rotor leaves
its weight distribution inconsistent throughout. As a result, we devised a way to make
sure that the frame is as balanced as possible.
The way to do this is by attaching a piece of string to the center of the hub and allowing
the quad rotor to float freely. If the weight is not evenly distributed, then the quad rotor
will lean towards the heaviest part. The battery packs, which are mounted in the centre of
air frame in cage like structure, were then adjusted to ensure the quadrotor was balanced
in the x and y axes.
Electronics work OF QUADCOPTER
After describing the parts used in the construction of the quadrotor and their assembling,
it is important to mention how the electronic components are made to work. This section
describes the electronic circuit; a block diagram of the electronic design is shown in
Figure below.
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Kashif Mirza